2013년 7월 8일 월요일

KMS : 2. Generate Maple Story ID


With IE.
Log-in with your nexon account.

Account Information.

Click "계정 생성"

Check the checkbox. ("위의 '서비스 이용 약관'에 동의합니다.")
Fill the textbox. (Maple ID, 2nd PW, 2nd PW Conf, Protect numbers)

Set your 2nd PW with mouse.
2nd PW must be 6~16 characters.
Can't use same character on three successive.
Must Include num, eng(little), ENG(BIG).

Click "다음단계로".


KMS : 1. Generate Nexon Account

Go to nexon.com

Find "회원가입" and Click.

Check all checkbox without last box.
and click "동의".

Write your Personal Information. (Mail, NickName, PW, B-Day)

Set B-Day like this Plz.
and click "확인".

In your mail box.
Click the link.

Your Nexon Account was successfully created.